Information on the processing of personal data for the use of COOKIES

This section describes the data processing carried out by means of cookies on the site

The data controller is Felicia's Home Restaurant DI FLAUTO FELICIA with headquarters in Via di Salvio 10 – Tramonti – 84010 – Salerno – VAT number: 06149120658


You are not obliged to accept cookies, and you can browse without using them. However, if you do not accept technical cookies the site may not work properly.
To help you decide whether or not to accept cookies, we have prepared this information.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that the sites visited by users send to their terminals, where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites on the next visit. The so-called "third party" cookies are, however, set by a website other than the one the user is visiting. This is because on each site there may be elements (images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages of other domains, etc.) that reside on servers other than that of the site visited.

What are cookies for?

Cookies are used for different purposes: performing computer authentication, monitoring sessions, storing information on specific configurations regarding users who access the server, storing preferences, etc.

What are "technical" cookies?

These are cookies that are used to navigate or provide a service requested by the user. They are not used for other purposes and are normally installed directly by the website owner.

Without the use of these cookies, some operations could not be carried out or would be more complex and/or less secure, such as home banking activities (viewing the account statement, bank transfers, payment of bills, etc.), for such as cookies, which allow the user to be identified and maintained within the session, are essential.

What are "profiling" cookies?

These are cookies used to track the user's browsing on the internet and create profiles on their tastes, habits, choices, etc.

With these cookies, advertising messages can be transmitted to the user's terminal in line with the preferences already expressed by the user while browsing online.

Cookies used by this site and their deactivation

Technical cookies:

This site uses technical and functional cookies, the purpose for which we use them is therefore to ensure that our site functions correctly.

The legal basis for the processing of personal data connected to technical cookies is article 122 of the Privacy Code, in particular we use cookies to memorize the consent given for the use of cookies. The cookie is set for a duration of 12 months.

You can find the specifications relating to technical cookies in the "Details" section of the cookie management panel on the site. In the same section you will also find information relating to the treatments carried out by the management panel itself.

Third party cookies:

If you give us your consent, we use Shopify cookies, which are used to measure the performance of the site and improve its performance. To collect this information, Shopify may set cookies on your browser or read cookies already present.

These cookies are therefore not considered technical cookies and require consent.

You can find out more about the cookies we use at the following link:

The legal basis of the processing is your consent.
These cookies operate the transfer of your data outside the European Union, to Canada. The guarantee adopted for the transfer is an adequacy decision of the EU commission.

For further information, consult the links in the dedicated section of the cookie management panel on the site.

Consent management tool

The consent management tool adopted by the owner allows users of our website to give consent to certain data processing processes, to revoke a given consent or to object to data processing. The consent management tool also helps us provide evidence of the choices made by users. The processing of this data is necessary to be able to demonstrate that consent has been given. The legal basis is constituted by the art. 6, paragraph 1, letter. c GDPR together with art. 7 paragraph 1 GDPR. Further information is available in the settings of the consent management tool.


We will only share your data when required by law, or when you have expressly permitted us to do so, or to offer you the services you have requested.


We share your data with others only in the cases indicated below.
If it were necessary to pursue the purposes set out in this information, we may communicate the data to the recipients indicated below.

  • We share data relating to cookies with the third parties who provide them to us, who act as Data Controllers unless otherwise specified in this policy.
  • For profiling services through cookies, we share your data with Shopify.
  • We share cookie data with consultants who help us manage the website.


We provide you with access to your data.

You can control your data by asking us to update it, modify it or, if the law allows it, delete it.

We encourage you to check your data regularly.

However, you can always contact us if you want:

  • Revoke the consent given. As regards cookies, you can revoke your consent by selecting the relevant preferences in the management tool at any time. Or even simply by operating your browser. We provide you with the necessary information in the last part of this information. The revocation of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing previously carried out by the Data Controller.
  • access or review, modify or delete the data you have provided to us (if we are no longer permitted to keep it or are not obliged to keep it);
  • object to some treatments;
  • receive a copy of your data (in a commonly used readable format);
  • ask us to limit the use of your data (if applicable) and any other information regarding the protection of your data

We point out that, regarding the data collected through cookies, we are not able to identify the interested party based on the information stored. Therefore, articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR do not apply to these types of data, in accordance with article 11 paragraph 2 of the GDPR itself, unless the user provides additional information that allows identification for the purpose of exercising the rights provided for by the aforementioned articles.

our contact details are:

  • Paper mail : FELICIA'S HOME RESTAURANT OF FLUTE FELICIA Via di Salvio 10 – Tramonti – 84010 – Salerno
  • Online via email

Right of opposition:

you can always object to processing for marketing purposes, and we will follow up on your request. You can also object to profiling or processing based on legitimate interest. In this case, we will follow up on your request by assessing whether our legitimate interest prevails over your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms

We do our best to respond to requests on time and without charge unless doing so requires disproportionate effort. In some cases we may ask you to verify your identity before processing your request. If you are not satisfied with the response received, you can complain to the competent supervisory authority in your country (for Italy, Guarantor for the protection of personal data).

For more information on how to exercise your rights, visit the page relating to the Privacy Policy for users of the site.


The owner deems it useful to provide further information regarding the deactivation of browser cookies, for both fixed and mobile systems.

Mobile users

The deactivation methods through the direct link in the paragraph "Cookies used by this site and their deactivation" are suitable for deactivating cookies also for mobile users.

With regard to mobile users, it should be noted that the system configurations to exclude the storage of cookies or to delete them vary significantly depending on the brand and/or model of the device used.

It will therefore be necessary to consult the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Below is information relating to the most popular systems:

Chrome for Mobile:

A) Android systems

Information on deleting cookies for Chrome can be found at the following link:

B) iOS systems

To set Safari's blocking of cookies you can consult the information

at the following link:

More information on the operation of cookies in mobile systems can be found here:

Opt-out via browser settings for desktop users

To proceed with deactivating cookies and/or choosing the desired blocking level, the desktop user can also use their browser by changing its settings.

Furthermore, please note that the user always has the possibility to manually remove cookies already installed on their fixed or mobile device.

Below are the links to the main browsers currently on the market for changing session settings:




Warning: Support for Internet Explorer ended June 15, 2022




Finally, we would like to point out that it is possible to set browsers so that they avoid storing cookies only temporarily: this is of “incognito” browsing also called “private browsing or “anonymous browsing” (depending on the browser used).

Sometimes these settings only allow the storage of technical cookies, which are however deleted at the end of the session. Other times they don't even allow that. Instructions and features are available on the pages dedicated to supporting the browser used:

Google Chrome and Google Chrome Mobile:

Apple Safari:

Apple Safari Mobile:

Mozilla Firefox:


For completeness, we inform the user that it is possible to obtain information on the cookies stored on your terminal and deactivate them individually by deciding to accept them only from some companies by clicking on the resource at the following link: your-choices

On the site It is also possible to learn more about behavioral advertising. Further information on cookies can be found on the website