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Instagram information

Your privacy matters to us: you can count on us! Read our information to understand how we process your personal data, and, if you have any questions, contact us by writing to:

Your privacy is important to us at
We have drawn up this privacy information (hereinafter also just "information") in a simple and understandable way to help you understand who we are, what data we collect about you, and what we do with it. We want you to be aware that your personal data (hereinafter also simply “data” or “your data”) is represented by any information or set of information from which it is possible to identify you, directly or indirectly, in particular in relation to an identifier, such as name and surname, e-mail address, telephone number, etc.

Please consider that since this is a specific information for the processing that we carry out on the Instagram page as joint owners, you may find more specific information in relation to the different services we offer in other parts of the site, as well as we may provide different information in relation to further specific treatments. Please take the time to read our entire policy so that if you disagree with how we process your personal data, you can avoid providing it to us.

What is this information for?

This policy explains how we collect and use (i.e.: process) your data through the Instagram page.

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When this information says "we" it refers to the data controller of personal data, which is Felicia's Home Restaurant DI FLAUTO FELICIA with headquarters in Via di Salvio 10 – Tramonti – 84010 – Salerno – VAT number: 06149120658.

When you visit our Instagram page, through which we present our company or individual products from our range, some information about you is processed. We process this information together with Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd (Ireland/EU – “META”), the owner of Instagram.

We have entered into a joint controllership agreement with META which establishes the division of data protection obligations between us and META. Details on the processing of personal data for the creation of statistics and the agreement between us and META can be found at: .

Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd is the independent controller of the processing of personal data not attributed to us in this statement. Further information on the processing of personal data by META is available at


We collect your data when you interact with us. You give us data when you contact us to request information, but we also collect your data automatically when you browse the site.


When you interact with us on the Instagram page we can process various data: those you make public, those you send to us with comments or messages and those relating to the statistics that META processes for us.

META provides us with anonymized statistics (Insigtht) for our Instagram page which help us understand the type of actions that people perform on our page, and allows us to offer content that is increasingly in line with the interests of our audience. These services are created based on certain information about users who have visited our page or who may be interested in our page. This processing of personal data is carried out by us with META as joint controllers. We cannot attribute the information obtained through statistics and sponsorships to the individual Instagram profiles that interact with our Instagram page.

To learn more about Instagram insights:

Comments and direct messages

We also process information that you provide to us via our company page on the social media platform. This information may be the username you use, your contact details or a message you send us. We carry out these processing operations as the sole data controller. We process this data on the basis of our legitimate interest in contacting applicants.

Public profile data

If you follow the page we can see the data you have shared publicly, such as your username, if you adopt a pseudonym or your name.

Below you will find an overview of the categories of data that we may process when you interact with us on the Instagram page as a follower or through comments or by sending us direct messages:

Data Categories:

  • Identification data (Examples of data types: Name, surname, username)
  • Any other information you decide to share with us (contact details, content, Feedback, opinions, reviews, and any information you decide to provide us).


Some processing may involve transfer outside the European Economic Area.

Please note that according to META's privacy policy, user data is also processed in the United States or other third countries. META transfers user data only in the presence of adequate safeguard measures: .


We process your data until the purpose for which we collected it is fulfilled, but sometimes we may need to process some data for longer, to comply with a legal obligation.


We keep your data for the time necessary to achieve the purpose for which we collected it (for clarification on the purposes, read the paragraph "How do we use your data?"). Please keep in mind that in some cases a longer retention period may be permitted or required by law. Criteria for determining the retention period include:

  • For how long do we need the data transmitted through the META platform to provide you with the service or to carry out our business?
  • How long do we need your data to provide you with feedback?
  • Are we under a legal, contractual, administrative or similar obligation to retain your data? For example, when there are regulations that require data retention, or judicial orders to preserve data relevant to an investigation, or the data must be preserved to assert a right in court.

The duration of processing may exceptionally be longer in the event of any need to ascertain crimes or offenses by the judicial or administrative authority.


To spread our activity and make ourselves known through Instagram we carry out analysis and statistical evaluations for the Instagram page in relation to user interactions; we optimize the Instagram page for its user-friendliness and attractiveness, as well as for user-oriented marketing initiatives; provide feedback to communications and interactions initiated by Instagram users.


We may use your data for various legitimate reasons and purposes relating to our business. Below are the purposes for which we process your data:

  • Optimize our pages, evaluating user interactions and offering content that is capable of stimulating interactions and expanding our audience.
  • Provide you with feedback or assistance (at your request) – Case study: respond to your requests or provide you with assistance through our communication channels;
  • Legal obligations - Case study: Disclose data and information to competent authorities, data protection supervisory authorities, according to current legislation, obligations relating to record keeping and reporting, conduct audits relating to regulatory compliance, comply with inspections and requests by governments or authorities, comply with procedural requests, for example in relation to witness obligations;
  • Defense in court: Acting or defending ourselves in court;


The provision of data through messaging systems or comments is optional and spontaneous. If you don't want to give us your data, just don't interact with us on Instagram, there are no consequences for failure to provide it. As regards META, you can avoid providing data for page statistics - given that the provision is optional and failure to provide it has no consequences - by objecting to the processing, as indicated in this information in the specific section.


To lawfully process your data we rely on several legal bases:

The processing of page statistics is carried out by us with META as joint data controllers. The processing is based on our legitimate interest (legitimate interest of the owner) and is aimed at evaluating the types of actions taken on the page and is aimed at improving the page based on these indications. The legal basis of this processing is, therefore, art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR.

We process data relating to followers who follow us on comments or messages sent spontaneously by users on the basis of our legitimate interest in contacting applicants. The legal basis for data processing is art. 6 paragraph 1 letter. f GDPR. Further data processing may take place with your consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lett. a GDPR) or if this is necessary for the fulfillment of a legal obligation (Art. 6 para. 1 lett. c GDPR).

Furthermore, if you request it, the data you send through direct messages can be used to start pre-contractual negotiations.


We protect your data with appropriate technical and organizational measures.

To protect your data, we take appropriate measures in compliance with applicable law, including requiring our service providers to use appropriate measures to keep information about you confidential and to keep your data secure. Depending on the state of the art, implementation costs and the nature of the data to be protected, we implement technical and organizational measures aimed at preventing risks of destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure or unauthorized access to your data.


We will only share your data when required by law, or when you have expressly permitted us to do so, or to offer you the services you have requested. Your data will not be disclosed to an indiscriminate public.


We share your data with others only in the cases indicated below. If it is necessary for the pursuit of the purposes set out in this information, we may communicate the data to the recipients indicated below:

  • Suppliers: We may outsource certain services to trusted third parties to provide us with features and services, such as providing communications services for managing the Instagram page.
  • Companies, professionals and consultants: we can share your data with professionals and consultants such as insurance companies, lawyers, accountants.
  • Public and government authorities: when required by law, or when it is necessary to protect our rights, we may share data with the competent bodies.

You can ask us for detailed information on the subjects to whom your personal data is communicated (so-called "recipients") by writing to the email or paper addresses indicated in this information.


We encourage you to maintain control over your data: please keep your data accurate and up to date.


We would like to remind you that it is your responsibility to ensure to the best of your knowledge that the data you provide to us is accurate, complete and up-to-date. Furthermore, if you share other people's data with us it is a clear responsibility to process that data according to the law. For example, it will be your responsibility to inform the people whose data you provide us with of the content of this information and obtain their consent if the law requires it.


We provide you with access to your data. You can control your data by asking us to update them, modify them or, if the law allows it, delete them by exercising the rights recognized to you by articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR (as applicable).

We encourage you to check your data regularly.

However, you can always contact us if you want to access or review, modify, update, limit or delete the data you have provided to us (if we are no longer permitted to keep it or are not obliged to keep it).

You may object to some treatments.

You can revoke the consent given (only for processing based on your consent). The revocation does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out previously.

You can receive a copy of your data (in a commonly used readable format).

You can ask us to limit the use of your data (if applicable) and any other information regarding the protection of your data.

We specify that, regarding statistics, we are not able to identify the interested party based on the information provided by META. Therefore, articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR do not apply to these types of data, in accordance with article 11 paragraph 2 of the GDPR itself, unless the user provides additional information that allows identification for the purpose of exercising the rights provided for by the aforementioned articles.

In relation to the processing operations relating to the Insights and other data provided by META, you have the possibility to exercise your rights as an interested party also towards META. Further information on this can be found in META's privacy policy to the paragraph: “What is our legal basis for data processing and what are your rights?”

Our contact details are :

  • Paper mail: FELICIA'S HOME RESTAURANT DI FLAUTO FELICIA Via di Salvio 10 – Tramonti – 84010 – Salerno
  • Online via email:


You can always object to processing for marketing purposes, and we will follow up on your request. You can also object to profiling or processing based on legitimate interest. In the latter case, we will follow up on your request by assessing whether our legitimate interest prevails over your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms.

META also offers the possibility of objecting to certain data processing, including those relating to page insights; information and options for exercising the right to object are available at

We do our best to respond to requests on time and without charge unless doing so requires disproportionate effort. In some cases we may ask you to verify your identity before processing your request. If you are not satisfied with the response received, you can complain to the competent supervisory authority in your country (for Italy: Guarantor for the protection of personal data).


Over time, treatments may evolve and change, and the information that reflects them may be modified.
This information may be changed over time. The most recent version of the information on the site is the one that reflects the processing of data and personal information that we carry out.

This information was updated in January 2023.